Getting a brand new puppy or a rescue dog is incredibly exciting, but it does take a lot of hard work. Most...
Dogs may naturally jump on people as a way of saying hello and getting attention. While this can be an excitement for...
German shepherd puppies are adorable, fuzzy little creatures that are very tempting to take home on impulse. There may be no breed...
A German Shepherd can undoubtedly make for a wonderful, loving companion, but the reality is that this is not a breed that...
Raising Bruno from the age of seven weeks had a ton of positive benefits for my lifestyle and training goals. I loved...
I am a stickler about good “manners.” There are no excuses for unruly, out of control dogs or children, neither of which...
Bruno was very content to let me hold him on the drive home from the breeders. Looking back, this was the first...