Rancho Cordova police Officer Daniel Carmaello was dispatched to a local business address regarding a trespasser.
Officer Carmaello found the trespasser, who had a German Shepherd with him. The accused trespasser told Officer Carmaello that he had been hanging out with the dog he was calling Rex for a couple of weeks but claimed the dog belonged to a business nearby.
It appeared the German Shepherd was lost, and the search began. Officer Carmaello contacted businesses in the immediate area, but no one claimed him.
The German Shepherd, known as Rex, was transported to the local SPCA and scanned for a microchip, but none was found.
Officer Carmaello was surprised that no one was looking for Rex and felt like fate had sent him on the call to find and look out for the abandoned German Shepherd.
Officer Carmaello wanted to provide a loving home for the German Shepherd and immediately submitted application paperwork with the SPCA to adopt Rex. One week later, the pair were reunited.
Carmaello renamed Rex to Ronin and had this to say about the experience:
“The first impression was, I was kind of astounded that nobody wanted to keep him, especially with his temperament and behavior. Something just hit home with Ronin for me. I just kind of fell in love with him from the beginning.
I was able and fortunate enough to put an application in and be able to adopt Ronin.”
The adoption process was smooth, but the next hurdle was bringing Ronin home. Carmaello’s nine-year-old daughter was scared of dogs and had been since she was young.
Officer Carmaello was nervous bringing Ronin home, but his nine-year-old surprisingly took a liking to him immediately, as did his other two daughters. Ronin had found his forever home.
Ronin is sweet, well-mannered, and has fit right into the Carmaello household.
Officer Carmaello commented, “I love coming home and seeing him every day. He greets me at the door. He’s just a great companion.”
Ronin’s trespassing days are over as he now has a yard of his own and a family who loves and adores him.