After about the third or fourth acupuncture session with Dr. Yamate, it was obvious that the treatment was working. Bruno’s back end...
At Bruno’s second acupuncture session the subject of diet came up with Dr. Yamate. I had yet to take Bruno off commercial...
Acupuncture sessions officially began in December 2007. Bruno and I had returned to our regular western veterinarian for additional x-rays and the...
Bruno and I left our western veterinarian office on dreary overcast November day with little hope. The vet had diagnosed Bruno with...
November 2007 Bruno and I are at our scheduled veterinary appointment. Our vet observes Bruno walk up and down the hallway and...
August 2007, Bruno is now about 10 ½ years of age. He is now unable to jump onto my bed by himself...
By the time Bruno was two and a half years old, we had a handful of trials, events and training accomplishments under...
Raising Bruno from the age of seven weeks had a ton of positive benefits for my lifestyle and training goals. I loved...
I am a stickler about good “manners.” There are no excuses for unruly, out of control dogs or children, neither of which...
Crate training began with Bruno from day one. Over the next couple of years, Bruno became known as the boy in the...