Saturday, April 24, 2010, was a beautiful spring-like day with high’s forecasted to reach the low 70’s. Bruno had finished his antibiotics and was feeling better. His diarrhea had cleared up and I was no longer supplementing his diet with rice and other binding foods.
I had nothing planned for the day and wanted to get Bruno out of the house. On a whim, I decided to load up my boy and head east for an impromptu snow day. It had been years since I had taken Bruno to the snow and there was no guarantee that he would be up for the trip come the following winter.
We headed for the hills and within a few hours, we were in the vicinity of Lake Tahoe, California. It was a beautiful sunny day and the remaining snow would soon be gone and forgotten for the season. I found a secluded area and together we trudged around playing in the snow and enjoying each others company.
I was careful to pace the big guy and keep a watchful eye over him. I did not want him to overexert himself so at least one of us had to use good judgment. Bruno enjoyed himself and it was a good change of pace for both of us.
Bruno was reluctant to load back up into his truck but he was tired. We had come and we had played but it was time to leave the cool mountain air and beautiful scenery. We leisurely made our way back home.
Once home, unloaded and settled in, Bruno wolfed down his dinner and stretched out for an evening nap. We were both worn out from the outing but it had been a great day spent together.
*Originally posted December 23, 2010*