On May 8, 2010, I returned to the vet’s office with a stool sample to follow up on Bruno’s coccidiosis. The results...
Saturday, April 24, 2010, was a beautiful spring-like day with high’s forecasted to reach the low 70’s. Bruno had finished his antibiotics...
Dr. Yamate arrived for Bruno’s scheduled acupuncture session. The big guy was glad to see her but had been acting a bit...
In 2009 I came across Karen Anderson who was a guest on an internet radio program. Karen was taking calls and did...
February 2010 came and went in the blink of an eye. Bruno’s bladder infection cleared up and he had his usual session...
Winter months are cold, wet, and in my opinion, miserable. Due to darkness settling in so early during the winter months, the...
Ready or not, 2010 had arrived and Bruno was still in recovery mode from being neutered earlier in the week. On January...
Bruno healed and bounced back quickly from his surgery in July 2008. The remainder of 2008 went by without any problems or...
The first half of 2008 was moving right along rather smoothly for Mr. Bruno. Acupuncture was going well, appetite was healthy, and...
In April 2008 Bruno and I arrived for a scheduled appointment with Dr. Yamate. We checked in, weighed in and proceeded to...