Long hot July days soon rolled into hot August nights. A follow-up blood test for Bruno’s thyroid came back with good results. The thyroid medication was working and Bruno’s thyroid levels were in the normal range.
Dr. Yamate treated Bruno for his acupuncture during the first week in August. The big guy may have been slow to rise but he was playful and glad to see her. At the end of his session, I asked Dr. Y for her honest opinion of Bruno’s status and future. Dr. Y was optimistic. She pointed out that his intestinal issues had cleared up, his thyroid was again functioning normally and he was mentally aware and alert. She also pointed out that he still had the “want” factor. He wanted to eat, he wanted to go out, he did not want me out of his sight, he wanted attention, he wanted to play, etc.
Dr. Yamate told me that she had witnessed other dogs in better physical conditions just “give up” and rapidly deteriorate. This was not the case with my big guy. He was a fighter! Dr. Yamate also reassured me that she had a few more tricks up her sleeve. Now that it seemed internal issues were resolved the new treatment plan was to focus more on pain and mobility.
Due to our walks being eliminated, Dr. Y showed me a series of exercises to perform on Bruno’s rear legs, feet, and pads. This would keep his back legs active and help to stimulate his nerves. Time would be the judge if this would help his mobility.
Dr. Yamate’s sessions were always productive and positive. During this particular session she attended to Bruno and his needs but she also unknowingly lifted my spirits. Her confidence and optimistic view squelched any doubts and concerns that I had been recently experiencing.
Dr. Yamate was not ready to quit, Bruno was not ready to quit, and I was not about to quit on either one of them!
*Originally posted January 30, 2011*